Thursday, October 29, 2015

Training Using Optional Rules

D&D 5E has an optional training rule in the DMG 131 that requires player characters to spend downtime training or studying before they gain the benefits of a new level.

Once the PC gains enough experience to attain a new level, they must train for a number of days before gaining any class features associated with that level.

Upon clearing the experience thresholds, the PC does receive their HP bonus without requiring training.

As a house rule, I've inserted a row from 0-1st for accommodating multi-classed characters.

The table:

Level Attained,Training Time,Training Cost

0-1st, 5 Days, 10 GP
2nd-4th, 10 Days, 20 GP
5th-10th, 20 Days, 40 GP
11th-16th, 30 Days, 60 GP
17th-20th, 40 Days, 80 GP

Training time and money is cumulative. 

In my opinion, player characters shouldn't just reach some magical number in the middle of an adventure and suddenly have access to new class features. Instead they have to receive training for them.

Experience Without Training

So, under this system, it's conceivable, for example, that a Level 6 PC may only be trained to Level 4, until which time they receive training.

Still, I believe that player characters become tougher, more agile, more buff, through experience. Thus once reaching suitable experience, PC's should receive their hit dice/HP increase, ability score increases, and spell slots even without training.  It's just new class features that should be awarded following formal training.

Training Others

I've always maintained that a PC/NPC at least two levels higher in the same class could train.

Example: a 3rd level cleric could train anybody to be a 1st level cleric; a 4th level Fighter could train a 2nd level Fighter.

However, classes start to specialize around the 2nd and 3rd level. In order to advance into those more specialized fields, I believe that they need to be trained by a PC/NPC of the same specialization.

Thus they must seek someone willing to train them with the requisite +2 levels and same specialization. Only a Fighter (Battle Master) can train a Fighter (Battle Master); only a Cleric of the Light Domain can train a Cleric of the Light Domain, etc.


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