Thursday, October 29, 2015

Our Time in Shyn-Bhokerdown (6th of Bloom, Rose: 47)

The party woke to the smell of a warm breakfast prepared by Tolman the Halfling who - in addition to being a thief - is a rather accomplished cook. It was the first bite of warm bread, eggs, and beverage that they'd had in a long time.

Generally, the party spent the day in Shyn-Bhokerdown exploring the community, meeting its citizens, and helping where they could. Along the way, the party:

  • Procured Supplies. The party swung in to Gynger's Stores and encountered Shelly, Gynger's grand-daughter. Shelly was kind and attempting to help distribute rations to the refuges who'd made their way here from Rhackdalia. They acquired food, clothing, healing kits, and other gear. 

  • Met a Bower/Fletcher, Armorer/Weapons, Blacksmith, Tailor, and Thaumaturgist. Llewellyn procured fancy dress and a mask to hide his unfortunate acid burns from a tailor named Shiva; Elan acquired arrows and arrow-heads and tools from a fletcher named Phatrick; Mercy, the Blacksmith and Armorer, was very helpful. Meanwhile, Ma'yah, Tolman, and Elan spent some time with Dhander Kant, the local Thaumaturgist, doing barters, trades, and buys - Elan acquired a charming new set of magical items (a ring, a crown, and two bracers) that looked like they were made from thatched thorns, and when she wore them, those thorns bit into her flesh and caused her to bleed from her hand, her temple, and her wrists. What fun! And Tolman found the Dhander Kant would be happy to train him in the basics of the arcane (multiclassing from level 0 to 1).

  • Healed Some Refuges. Siegride offered her services to Luka of Fhaejia, and spent more than an hour looking after and bandaging the wounded, sick, and infirm. Siegride also made kindly cash donations to the Harborside Abbey and Shelly of Gynger's Stores to help out with the financial burden of managing the refuge crisis.

  • Met Some Mercenaries. Apparently, men of Grizzly Company had been hired by the Magistrate to help keep the peace. They mostly kept to themselves but they did pass a chit to Siegride if she were interested in signing-up with their Company.

  • Did Some Banking. The party stopped by the Croupier and did some exchanges. They also learned that what gets deposited in the Croupier can be access from anywhere the Croupier has an open station, even stuff stowed away in a deposit box. What Tolman thought he left in Rhackdalia was actually available to him.

  • Overcame Personal Struggles. Ma'yah, finally working up the nerve, struggled to throw the terrible Eye of Kech into the ocean from a dock. She was talking loudly to herself and looked very much like a crazy person on the dock arguing with an imaginary friend. There was a moment of hesitation and both Ma'yah and the little dragon played this game of tug-of-war when she was trying to throw the cursed thing into the sea. When it appeared that Dru the Pseudodragon had lost that contest, he briefly apologized in advance for his attempt to stab Ma'yah with his poisonous tail - which his to-hit roll failed miserably again with a roll of 2 - and, after some more dramatics and a successful Wisdom save, Ma'yah was able to set it down on the dock. Seizing his moment, Dru took to the air, grasped the gem, flew it out over the ocean, and let it go. The orb splooshed into the water and sank into the watery depths. Ma'yah immediately threw up and started going through withdraw symptoms. Dru was quite satisfied.

  • Secured Travel. Dhander Kant referred the party to Mssrs. Kavant Walsh and Rheece Boon of the Erenlands who had taken up temporary residence at the Kindtides Inn. Commissioned by the Harbourmaster, they were apparently brokering premium chartered passage off of the island to a variety of destinations for those who could afford it. The party was presented with a variety of options but settled on leaving Shyn-Bhokerdown in three days on-board the merchant schooner The Courageous at 120 Crowns/seat to Sphant. After his training in Shyn-Bhokerdown, Tolman would meet up with the party for additional training in Sphant.

  • Had Some Drinks. Gorbash and Vongur drank it up at Kindtides, and, Llewellyn even agreed to an evening's performance for 35 Crowns.

The gaming session ended with the understanding that time was going to fast-forward a bit through the training cycle so that next we meet onground, the party would be fully-trained to their next levels.

The party commissioned The Courageous on the 6th of Bloom and the ship was promised to depart on the 9th of Bloom. It did, and everyone except Tolman arrived in Sphant on the evening of the 11th of Bloom; Tolman arrived in Sphant on the 3rd of Third Planting. For those keeping track, that would be 840 Crowns total for the one-time premium travel expense.

Sphant is a larger city and port, and it was relatively easy to find accommodations and NPC's to provide the training for everyone; for the sake of expediency, we'll say that everyone started their training on that same date, the 7th of Third Planting.

We follow the optional training rule as a House Rule, so that training time and money would look something like:

Level 0 - 1 (5 Days, 10 GP)

  • Tolman (Multi-classed Wizard)
  • Tamroohk (Multi-classed Cleric)

Level 3 - 4 (10 Days, 20 GP)

  • Llewellyn (Bard)
  • Ma'yah (Wizard)

Level 4 - 5 (20 Days, 40 GP)

  • Gorbash (Fighter)
  • Siegride (Cleric)
  • Tolman (Rogue)
  • Elan (Ranger)
  • Llewellyn (Bard)
  • Ma'yah (Wizard)
  • Tamroohk (Fighter)

Level 5 - 6 (20 Days, 40 GP)

  • Gorbash (Fighter)
  • Siegride (Cleric)
  • Elan (Ranger)
  • Llewellyn (Bard)
  • Ma'yah (Wizard)

Total Training Cost (540 GP)

  • 2 PC's Level 0 - 1 (20 GP)
  • 2 PC's Level 3 - 4 (40 GP)
  • 7 PC's Level 4 - 5 (280 GP)
  • 5 PC's Level 5 - 6 (200 GP)

So that the end result would look like:

  • Gorbash (Level 6 Fighter)
  • Siegride (Level 6 Cleric)
  • Tolman (Level 5 Rogue / Level 1 Wizard)
  • Elan (Level 6 Ranger)
  • Llewellyn (Level 6 Bard)
  • Ma'yah (Level 6 Wizard)
  • Tamroohk (Level 5 Fighter / Level 1 Cleric)

Training, Lodging, and Time:

  • The total time that it would take everyone to train up would be 50 days.
  • That would put the calendar around the 7th of First Harvest, Rose: 47.
  • Just to easily calculate expenses, let's say it'd cost everyone 3 Crowns / Day for food and lodging. That would work out to an additional 150 Crowns in living expenses during this time.

We'll start the game back up on the 8th of First Harvest, Rose: 47, in Sphant. I'll create some back-story for Sphant and the party's time there.


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