Thursday, November 19, 2015

Massacre at Sunrock Abbey (8th - 11th of First Harvest, Rose: 47)

The remaining pirates on-shore were quickly dispatched, and the party moved to tie up and subdue the charmed brigands and cleric of Mother Takhisis.

About 300' away, the former pirates' (well, their bodies were strewn around the beach so former is an apt term) ship was all aflutter. The remaining crew was preparing to take some kind of ultimately futile action in either escaping with their lives, or, foolhardily attempting to defend themselves. What happened next was somewhat pathetic but entirely predictable.

Siegride cast Water Walk allowing all of the party members to walk on water. If that didn't look like the End Times for the poor pirates onboard the vessel, what they saw next was a bit of medieval shock and awe. The two dwarves got in front of a dingy and, hoisting up some ropes, started dragging the boat across the waves since - as the spell works - the dingy would simply float. In the dingy, Elan was readying her bow.

Vongur was whooping and hollering, saying he'd never walked on water before (he has no legs, that's the irony, get it?), and was encouraging the dwarves to dig in and haul the boat across the water.

Ever seen Princess Mononoke? Sure you have. There's several scenes where Ashitaka is slinging arrows with his possessed demon-arm. The arrow flies through the air and amazingly, like, decapitates samurai or makes their chest explode with one shot. Okay, keep that image in your mind for a second. Elan is a 6th Level Ranger with Sharpshooter Feat and she ignores the disadvantages of distance with her bow. She attacks twice per round. The bandits have 16 HP a piece; each connect with her arrow would bring that and maybe 5-10+ extra HP of damage.

Now imagine the scene. The pirates see the party walking on water like Gods whereas a Sharpshooting Ranger being dragged across the waves by Dwarves like some Hell-born watery chariot ... her first shot connects to a bandit on the center mast trying to get the sail up, and he explodes; her second shot connects to another bandit on the stern mast and he explodes. Bloody corpses fall from the masts to the deck. The pirates freak. That was just the first round.

As the party closed in, the pirates feebly fired off arrows at disadvantage because of the range penalties. Arrows fell limply on all party members. Within two rounds of water walking, Elan had dispatched the four archers on the ship.

At this point, their sitting ducks because the ship has no armor or assault weapons, and, they're fresh out of archers. Nobody wants to climb up the masts to hoist the mainsail because, well, death, so they just wait for the party to approach, who, upon closing into range, start hailing wind, fire, arrows, and doom upon their heads. Meanwhile, the Dwarves and Halfling scaled the side of the ship, boarded, and proceeded to obliterate the opposition. It didn't take long before the ship was theirs.

After claiming the ship and looking around, it occurred to Gorbash that things looked familiar around here. Others agreed, and suddenly, it dawned upon the party that this ship - or a ship just like it sharing the same name, The Sea Wyvern - was the derelict, broken, beached hide out of Moonshade Phenelope of House Morley, and belonged to Lord Aphik Mackery of the Bullywugs. It was grounded, its hull busted, and old - maybe 100+ years old - with holes in its hull. If this wasn't the same ship it was remarkably like it in nearly every detail.


The party was able to recover one dingy (not all four depicted in this map).

But the party shelved that conundrum and pressed on to heal themselves, and take an inventory the loot between the ship and the shore:

  • Sacks and bags of grain, millet, rice, peppernuts, and other foodstuffs; regular clothes; blankets, topsoil, cured meats; many barrels of pickled tuna; flasks of wine; salted pork; many glass jars of preserved fruits.
  • 22 ceremonial wax candles, 14 garments, 4 tapestries, 7 ceremonial bowls and goblets
  • Black Armor and Green Armor, Stylized Dragons, Half-Plate and Helm +2; difficult to fit others; would fit a woman human well; two Maces +2 (One Black, one Green)
  • Four books - the books are holy books and scriptures that confess the Goddess to be a lizard woman; barrels of scrolls containing scripture, collections of philosophies, written in Common; they are of academic and spiritual interest only
  • 4459 Crowns in a chest
  • Large Copper Statue (800 Crowns), life-sized, 500 pounds - now green - Lizard woman
  • 1 solid copper egg (stylized lizard egg or dragon egg); now green; 200 pounds
  • 2 Potions in a copper vase - Elixir of Health; red clear liquid with tiny bubbles of light in it.
  • A box of tongues (the tongues from the dead clerics) 9 of them

On board the vessel, the party found maps and tactical information about an abbey not far from the shoreline. The details of the map included defenses, elevations, armaments, extended information on its occupants; it was written in a flowing script not common to Floreth, but resembled Arabic; it was obvious these weren't nautical maps but were created by seasoned soldiers. There were also nautical maps that showed a remote island to the south with specific water depths ... this was a sailor's map, and seemed to correlate to the nautical locations of the pirate cove outlined by the very mouthy pirate under Siegride's truthiness spell.

The party ventured out to that abbey on the map during the dusk and evening hours. There they found a very simple abbey, primitive stone structures, farm animals, hay, a single water well - a very simple way of life. Some of the walls of the abbey had bas-reliefs of a Goddess with a lizard-like head: the torso of a human female but the head of a lizard. Regrettably, the party also found the nine bodies of the clerics who used to worship here: their mouths sewn shut and their eyelids cut off so that their eyeballs appeared to bulge out of their sockets.

Tamroohk took some time to gather up the bodies of both clerics and dead pirates and performed some last rites on their corpses.

Tolman rolled a natural 20 on a Religion check. Although the Halfling knows nothing of Tiamat (Takhisis) or its dragon-cult, and certainly couldn't identify this particular representation of the Goddess, he ascertained that the cultists arrived and proclaimed their harmless sect heretics, and then killed them and mutilated their bodies; the tongues taken and mouths sewn shut so they couldn't speak their truth in the afterlife, and, their eyes permanently open to the Truth as perceived by the followers of Tahkisis. Again, he was only guessing, but it was a pretty sound guess. Meanwhile, the loot found in the hull of the ship (the large statue and egg) would have been holy symbols and objects recovered by the cultists.

During this time, the party realized that their on-shore captives had - during the skirmish - escaped. That is, the cultist with the green dragon tattoo escaped and slit the throats of the remaining berserkers; some degree of tracking led them to conclude that she must have escaped to the populated areas of Sphant and would be difficult to track there.

Some Detect Magic and Identify spells were cast on the objects and they determined the magical properties of the potions, half-plate armor, helms, and maces. These were found on-shore from a tent that went up in a mess of fireball. They are ornate, religious in nature, very skimpy and small for a midsized creature (seemingly custom-crafted to a small-stature female human). The maces were fashioned as dragon claws grasping a spiked orb and were both black and green in color.

The party spent the night in their newly acquired boat and, in the morning, sailed feebly and unexpertly to Sphant. Siegride made a successful ability check and navigated the ship there. They secured a slip and moored their vessel; the Harbor Master charged 5 Crowns a day for the slip, and Siegride paid for up to seven days; 35 Crowns total. The Harbor Master (a woman dressed in red robes with a book chained to her wrists, like it's been in every port you've ever seen in Floreth), recorded the date/time of the ship, and passed along paper to the quartermaster or captain to keep in their logbook.

The party did try to report the ship as being formerly owned by pirates, but she did instruct the party to take the matter up with the Magistrate as to dispensation of the craft. She had no vested interest in the matter.

The party wanted to spend some time running some investigations:

  • Collectively, the party agreed that now would be a good time to establish a Company with the Croupier. Without a House backing the Company, the party would need to produce a deposit of 10,000 Crowns. That becomes the floor to the account - additional monies could be added and spent, but the 10,000 Crowns is collateral held by the Croupier to cover their losses should a Company abuse their spending. Stormhammer Company was the name bandied about (or, alternatively, a Phalanx of Tiny People Company).
  • Elan returned to Pathfinder Abbey and explained what she found at the brigand's landing site, and, that the pirates had been taken care of. The Rangers called this place Sunrock Abbey and the clerics were worshipers of Lacerta-Mulier, an old representation of the Goddess. They live like the Amish might in a similar setting, decrying the advances of time and comforts of technology. There are many such small sects in these forests, they explain, who sought sanctuary on this island. The Rangers were appalled at the grizzly attack and considered it uncharacteristic of pirates in the Shattered Isles to be so merciless and ritualistic in their brutality. In hearing of this, the Ranger community tasked Elan with learning more about the clerics of Takhisis and their possible intentions in the Shattered Isles. They also promised to be on the lookout for the missing cleric that could be hiding out in Sphant.
  • Siegride was tasked to find an able-bodied crew for the ship. The ship can be manned with a crew of seven. Siegride would be able to find such a crew - they would collectively require just 1 Crown of pay per day away from Sphant. They could be corralled to leave Sphant whenever the party felt like leaving.
  • Gorbash went about unloading non-essential equipment and trading it in for what he could get off it in cash; I said he could get 1/2 of the PH listed value for whatever he was trading in.
  • Tamroohk would be gaming and drinking, on the lookout for the cleric. Unfortunately, she didn't find anything related to the cleric but did hear about the rumors of a holy massacre at Sunrock Abbey. Some of the people she was playing with indicated that those clerics were private folk and kept to themselves; they awaited the arrival of a new age as represented by their eggs - a collection of different kinds of eggs crafted in different metals. Tamroohk recalled that the party found only one egg, a solid copper egg, that had greened with age and exposure to the sea. Tamhrook did run into Whylo of Dhyane again who was astounded of the news of the party taking on the bandits, and Whylo wanted to hear more stories (and even offered to purchase more wine and ale for Tamroohk to hear them) about the assault!
  • The party expressed interest in going after the shipwreck in the Shattered Isles that was carrying recovered texts from Rhackdalia's library and were donated to the Seminary. There had been a reward of 1,000 Crowns offered for recovering them by the House that sponsored their donation. The Rangers had thought that the ship grounded near a known colony of Lizard Folk. Ma'yah and Llew did some research at the library at the Seminary on the Lizard Folk. It's presumed that the colony has some 500 individuals. The colony isn't necessarily friendly to outsiders but isn't outright hostile - sailors who've been stranded on their island lived to tell the tale, and some even suggested that they were aided by the kind, gentle lizard-people. It's reported that they have intelligence, a language, even a form of tribal government, although they've no official treaties with Sphant or Floreth. Some Lizard Folk have emerged as guides or spotters for fishermen looking for an advantage in finding large schools of prized fisheries. The Lizard Folk don't seem to have any connection to Sunrock Abbey or the Lacerta-Mulier, although some religious academic observers have written that the parallels between the Godhead and the Lizard Folk are too similar to ignore, and perhaps early indigenous people found their hybrid manifestation to be a sign of the holy. Ma'yah and Llew learn that the Lizard Folk like to be left alone but have been known to trade for baubles - jewelry, gems, precious stones, and the like.
  • Tolman attends to gardening, vegetables, and the like. Another Black Ship sighting took place on the 6th of First Harvest, this time in the waters to the south. Curious that the maps onboard The Sea Wyvern correlated the marked cove in those waters ...
Next we meet it'll be the 11th of First Harvest, and the party has crewed ship, stocked with provisions and ready for departure. What's next? Well, the story's up to them ... I just work here. Probably something to do with retrieving a cache of marooned books in a sea wreck on a remote island colonized by Lizard-people Sounds fun!

Stay tuned!



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