Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Careless Kidnapping (9th -10th of Low-Frost, Rose:47)

Following training, the party accepted a writ from House M’lahn of Rhackdalia to locate and recover a kidnapped daughter of the family, Yhandie (17, 5th of 6 daughters). Dead: the girl is worth 3,000 Crowns; alive, 9,000 Crowns. The ransom letter was delivered by human (male) courier to the House on the 5th of Low-Frost. It reads, "Bad things will befall little Yhandie lest you surrender the Chalice, or 50,000 CR, by the 1st of Wolfguard. Test not our resolve. Send your word to Ardice." Ardice was a reference to a statue at Widetree Abbey that was apparently enchanted to allow for two-way communication. Using the Ranger’s tracking abilities and through acts of clumsy discovery, the party made their way to a beached ship 4 miles outside of Rhackdalia called The Sea Wyvern, where a group of bandits were using it as a hideout … the party attacked the brigands, recovered the hostage (alive), and took a large bounty.

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